Zoekresultaten voor '':

25 resultaten gevonden
Coping with post-traumatic stress
Chung MC, Werrett J, Easthope Y & Farmer S. Coping with post-traumatic stress: young, middle-aged and elderly comparisons. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2004, 19, 333-343.
WHO lifestyle recommendations for physical health in adults with severe mental disorders
Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group
De Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group bespreekt hier de wetenschappelijke evidentie van de effectiviteit van therapieën om te stoppen met roken. De reviews bestaan uit samenvattingen waarin vanu...
Presentations and management of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the elderly
Busuttil W. Presentations and management of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the elderly: a need for investigation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2004, 19, 429-439.
Anxiety in late life (editorial)
Flint AJ. Anxiety and its disorders in late life (editorial).  Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005, 13, 3-6.
Compulsive hoarding
Ayers CR, Saxena S, Golshan S and Wetherell JL. Age at onset and clinical features of late life compulsive hoarding. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010, 25, 142-149
Agoraphobia in older adults
McCabe L Cairley J, Veldhuizen S. et al. Prevalence and correlates of agoraphobia in older adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2006, 14, 515-522.
The Geriatric Anxiety Inventory.
Pachana NA, Byrne GJ, Siddle H et al. Development and validation of The Geriatric Anxiety Inventory. Int Psychogeriatrics 2007, 19, 103-114.
Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij ouderen, een Delphi onderzoek
Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij ouderen, delphi-onderzoek onder Nederlandse en Vlaamse experts over specifieke diagnostische en therapeutische aspecten. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 2010, 52, 375-...
Ouderen en Persoonlijkheid
Themanummer van het Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 2010, nummer 2. Met artikelen over prevalentie (van Alphen), diagnostiek van den Broeck et al.), temporele instabiliteit (Tummers et ...
Decision trees for late-life depression
Andreescu C, Mulsant BM, Houcks et al. Empirically derived decision trees for late-life depression. Am J Psychiatry 2008, 165, 855-862.
Endocrinologische psychopathologie, Polycystic Ovarian Disorder
NVvP JONG is een Nederlandse belangenbehartiger van alle AIOS Psychiatrie, en onderdeel van de NVvP. 
International OCD Foundation
Een site voor het algemene publiek. Een sterke kant van deze site is dat het een goede ontsluiting biedt van literatuur over OCD.
Prevention of anxiety disorders
Smit F, Comijs H, Schoevers R et al. Target groups for the prevention of late-life anxiety. Br J Psychiatry 2007, 190, 428-434.
Treatment of anxiety disorders
Pinquart M, Duberstein PR. Treatment of anxiety disorders in older adults; a meta-analytic comparison of behavioral and pharmacological interventions. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007, 15, 639-651.
Review of prevalence of anxiety
Bryant C, Jackson H, Ames D. The prevalence of anxiety in older adults: methodological issues and a review of the literature. J Affect Disorders 2008, 109, 233-250.
Subclassification of personality disorders in the DSM-IV
The relevance of a geriatric subclassification of personality disorders in the DSM-IV. Alphen van, SPJ.  Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2006, 21, 205-209.
Stepped care prevention
van 't Veer PJ, van Marwijk HWJ, van Oppen P, et al. Stepped-care prevention of anxiety and depression in late life. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009, 66, 297-304.
The Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT)
Biedt vooral links.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder Severity Scale
Andreescu C, Belnap BH, Rollman BL et al. Generalised Anxiety Disorder Severity Scale validation in older adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2008, 16, 813-818
Pregabaline for generalised anxiety disorder
Montgomery S, Chatamra K, Pauer L. et al. Efficacy and safety of pregabaline in elderly people with generalised anxiety disorder. Br J Psychiatry 2008, 193, 389-394
Escitalopram for generalized anxiety disorder
Lenze EJ, Rollman BL, Shear MK et al. Escitalopram for older adults with genaralized anxiety disorder. JAMA 2009, 301, 295-303.
Meta-analysis of behavioral treaments
Meta-analysis comparing different behavioral treaments for late-liafe anxiety. Thorp SR, Ayers CR, Nuevo R, et al. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2009, 17, 105-115
A RCT of paroxetine and CBT for late-life panic disorder.
Hendiks GJ, Keijsers GPJ, Kampman M et al. A randomised controlled study of paroxetine and cognitive-behavioural therapy for late-life panic disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2010, 122, 11-19